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Why A + C?

A+C stands for Amber and Courtney, we are two sisters almost 10 years apart in age.  Our relationship dynamic blossomed once we were both in the peak of adulthood and found that we were in a better space to communicate our needs.  Some of those needs included the desire to be creative and share that with others.  A + C could also very much stand for analytical and creative or as we like to say the left brain and the right brain truly working as one.


The idea of adorning the body with jewelry is not a new one.  And although seen as trendy or the newest hashtag on Instagram.  African waistbeads have been around for centuries.  In African culture adorning the body holds varying degrees of significance.  From identifying ones village or tribe, their religion or spiritual journey, as well as economic status.  Some provide a deeper meaning and may be presented during ceremonies wishing the recipient luck, peace or even fertility.  In African American culture we also look to waistbeads for assistance with weight loss, what Amber refers to as #watchthosebeadsdrop on IG, or simply the marking of a journey or a moment in time.  We connect and align with the beads in both spiritual and stylish ways.  So flaunt or cover your stands, that’s completely up to you.  We just want to provide you with a unique product all your own! 

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